So here's the thing. I'm not really that interested in "fashion" - at least not the way it usually gets portrayed on TV and in print. I don't "accessorize" and my thoughts on bags and purses tend to run exclusively to the practical (Can this bag fit an Emergency Diaper Kit, whatever book I'm reading, my current knitting project and assorted paperwork?) rather than the fashionable. I've never had a job where I had to look Professional (aside from a stint selling cameras, and even then we're talking Retail Professional, not Corporate Professional), and I've never considered jewelry part of my wardrobe.
Selling anything online is certainly no
Field of Dreams, and people will not be beating a path to my store simply because it exists. Google's
new search algorithms now make it even more difficult for people doing a general search to turn up results on Etsy or any of the other Online Marketplace site that host individual "stores." I am responsible for my own marketing efforts, and I know I need to pursue them offline as well as online. The marketers say I should talk about what makes my product better than other similar products out there, so I can convince people to buy mine rather than someone else's. I have trouble with that, because once you get beyond the basics of construction and quality, the differences between the products of two jewelry makers are purely aesthetic. Are my
sterling stack rings better than someone else's? Probably not. All the marketing info I've ever read says to "determine your target audience and market to it," but none of them say anything about how to identify your target audience. So here I find myself trying to market my jewelry, but not knowing my audience, so to speak. I am left with guesses.
This leaves me with trying to figure out who is likely to appreciate my particular visual style, and that's where I get stuck. That's where my innate lack of fashion sense does me in every time, because I have no idea what other people would think my jewelry goes with. What's worse, I do not have the vocabulary to discuss fashion and jewelry! My mother has suggested that I start reading fashion magazines to start learning more. Do the people I'm trying to reach follow these fashion trends? I have no idea.
My best guesses for my "target market":
- Mostly women. I know men buy jewelry for women, but right now I'm looking for the ultimate wearer, rather than the purchaser.
- People with disposable income. For the most part, jewelry is a want rather than a need, and my best pieces (those in the direction I'd like to pursue with my work) are not inexpensive impulse purchases.
- Women with jobs or social positions where they are expected to display a professional appearance.
- People who care less about the value of the materials (because I work in silver rather than gold) and more about art, creativity, and workmanship.
- People who value handmade for its own sake, and are not concerned with the name recognition value of the artist/designer.
- I would guess that I would be looking for women in the corporate world (or possibly politics or high-level charity), probably mid-thirties and up.
How does this sound to you? How can I find out pertinent information about people with these qualities? Who do you think would want to wear my jewelry? Have I made any inaccurate assessments? Have I left out any obvious groups? Would it be something you or someone you know would wear? If so, how close do you come to my market description? I can use all the help I can get - any advice or insight is greatly appreciated!